
Беларусы, это край. Сейчас на подступах к украинским городам решается судьба и вашего народа тоже. Если вы так и будете сидеть и ждать, пока свобода достанется вам нахаляву, ценой не знаю какого числа украинских жизней, свободными вы не станете никогда.

Рецензия на план Артёма Шрайбмана

Заголовок дня на Тутбае – план Артёма Шрайбмана “Какой диалог может спасти страну.” Мне как-то неудобно после семи лет отсутствия на родине критиковать и предлагать свои решения, может всё-таки есть ещё в стране люди, способные предложить менее оторванный от реальности план?

Особое приглашение

У меня вопрос к ветеранам титульной оппозиции, которые сами никак не решатся взять тапок в руки и присоединиться к революции надежды, да ещё и других отговаривают. Вам что, особое приглашение надо?

COVID-19: A Pandemic of Lies

As of this writing, daily new cases of COVID-19 in Germany, the most populous country in Europe with 83 million people, hover around 500. The entire European Union — population 447 million, a third larger than United States — reports stable 4,000 new cases per day. United States has now crossed 50,000 new cases per day and it keeps getting worse. Why? Because of fascists and lies.

Closing the Loop on the French Revolution

I was born in USSR. There were no votes in USSR. I remember Perestroika. When I was just a teen, my parents were seriously discussing going off the grid to sit out the civil war if the 1991 KGB putsch against Gorbachev succeeded. Everybody was surprised when it failed. What followed was very confusing time, people had no idea how democracy is supposed to work, including the people who somehow made it work anyway, for a few years.

DNC, Climate, and 2020

If you have to guess my opinion on the latest round of the progressive circular firing squad—the DNC vote against setting up a single-issue presidential debate on climate—you haven’t been paying attention. To be honest, I know that you haven’t, and I am very distraught that none of my friends called this right away.

No Country for Purity Ponies

I have many problems with the civil war Justice Democrats are waging against the Democratic Party: results; motives; manipulative rhetorics (double standards, impossible standards and victim blaming); strategy; priorities.


The political spectrum has never been about left, right, center, progressive, conservative, liberal, socialist, or fascist. Fundamentally, it is always about justice and courage: How much injustice are you willing to ignore? How much change are you willing to risk to address it?

Беларусы и конституционный кризис в США

Многие мои друзья думают, что конституционный кризис в США их не касается, и с раздражением воспринимают мой поток постов на английском о нюансах взаимоотношений между Трампом, Конгрессом, Верховным Судом, Мюллером и Путиным. Ну не то чтобы совсем не касается. Вот например.

Words, Wars, and Fiddles

Choice of words matters. If you cut away euphemisms and hedging, here is how it is. Russia is waging war on America and has launched a series of attacks that are still ongoing (e.g. recent “walkaway” tag amplification by Russian bots). Russian organized crime controls the Russian government since 1990-s, and is now taking over control of the US government. White supremacism, white nationalism, nativism, alt-right extremism are euphemisms for fascism and have directly caused a sharp increase of terrorist attacks within US.