Welcome to the Circle of Light. We are a faith-based organization founded on the belief in humanism, equity, secular ethics, and scientific method. We seek to develop and establish a new religion that would gently steer humanity towards universal health, prosperity, literacy, and democracy. We build tools to support communities aligned with our tenets.

Two Years of Circle of Light Mastodon

Circle of Light Mastodon Server is now two years old, and it is still open for registrations. The nexus of problems that this server is trying to address has only become more urgent and self-evident: centralized social platforms and corporate legacy media now openly endorse fascism, while Fediverse doesn’t have a working model for sustainable operation and is still running on heroics and burnout. I did not give up, but I had to scale down.

Launching Circle of Light Mastodon Server

Circle of Light Mastodon server is now open for registration. It is a different server from all the others, although not in the way you might think. The organizational principles I want the Circle of Light community to run on are transparency, predictability, and fairness. I will always be transparent about how this server operates, how much it costs, and how much people have donated to support it. I will always uphold the Mastodon Covenant and the creed of the Circle of Light. I will maintain the balance between keeping registrations open and hiring enough moderators to keep the community safe and the conversations healthy.


Беларусы, это край. Сейчас на подступах к украинским городам решается судьба и вашего народа тоже. Если вы так и будете сидеть и ждать, пока свобода достанется вам нахаляву, ценой не знаю какого числа украинских жизней, свободными вы не станете никогда.

Путч в США: итоги первой попытки

Автократы всего мира, начиная с Лукашенко, уже начали использовать штурм здания Конгресса в Вашингтоне как оправдание для собственных преступлений против человечества. Этот перевод стрелок — пропагандистская ложь. Единственное, что есть общего между протестами в Беларуси и попыткой переворота в США — то, что и там, и тут мы имеем дело с автократом, пытающимся предотвратить мирную передачу власти после поражения на выборах.

Breaking up Facebook

Sadly, whenever the subject of breaking Facebook apart comes up, it is only discussed in reductive terms of forcing Facebook’s acquisitions like Instagram to become independent again, and how that would or wouldn’t work out in the long run. Naturally, Zuckerberg is going to work very hard to persuade us that it wouldn’t. As you might have guessed, I have some thoughts on the arguments against breaking up Facebook that I’ve seen so far.

IPv6 Impact on nspawn Container Startup

I measured nspawn container startup with various IP configuration options. Total time from start to host0 carrier is consistently around 0.5s. Even with static IPv6 configuration, it takes more than 1s before container begins to respond, bringing the total start to reply time to almost 2s. DHCPv6 adds more round-trips with similarly excessive timings and takes another 2-4s. This makes IPv6 unsuitable for on-demand containers that get started to serve requests from interactive applications, and wasteful with containers that only need to run for a few seconds at a time as part of a low-frequency compute pipeline.

I Dissent

Dmitry Borodaenko: This is the badge post my friend and colleague Adin Rosenberg wrote before leaving Facebook. He originally posted it on his public Facebook timeline. Now that he has deleted his Facebook account, this excellent post needs a new home. With Adin’s gracious permission, I am sharing it here.

Кипр, Гамильтон и конституция Евросоюза

Мелкий по мировым масштабам конфликт вокруг Беларуси и Кипра может стать поворотным моментом в судьбе Евросоюза. Если ЕС повторит ошибку Речи Посполитой и позволит своим враждебно настроенным соседям диктовать решения через злоупотребление правом вето, он повторит и её судьбу.

Briar: безопасная замена Bridgefy

В августе я писал о том, что в приложении Bridgefy, которое используется многими беларусами для общения в условиях перебоев с мобильным доступом в интернет, нет защиты от деанонимизации пользователей, восстановления списков контактов, перехвата и подделки чужих сообщений. К счастью, для смартфонов на Android есть намного более безопасная альтернатива: приложение Briar.