
Беларусы, это край. Сейчас на подступах к украинским городам решается судьба и вашего народа тоже. Если вы так и будете сидеть и ждать, пока свобода достанется вам нахаляву, ценой не знаю какого числа украинских жизней, свободными вы не станете никогда.

Collective Irresponsibility

I first posted this on Facebook in 2017, when Russian Nazism was already evident to Russia’s former colonies, but not yet obvious to the rest of the world. In 2020 I deleted my Facebook account. May 9, from now on #RussianShameDay, is a good day to revive this small prescient text.

Anarchy is Love

Anarchy is notoriously difficult to define. Anarchists are often criticized for defining anarchy through negation: a condition of society achieved through rejection of hierarchical authority. Anarchy and power really are antithetic, like good and evil, or love and hate. Before state, when anarchy was the only form of society in existence, it needed no definition. So instead of dismissing this negative definition, let’s see what the nature of power can tell us about anarchy.